So as all of you can see, The Twilight saga is FINALLY getting some life in Singapore! Although I am, honestly, not that happy because they still have not, under any circumstances, change the bloody damn date, I am contented that the posters are already up around our little island. I was dying out of impatience. This, by the way if you're curious, was taken at Kovan MRT station. I actually was sooooo shock to see it there. I wonder if I asked for the poster when the entertainment value have run off, they would give it to me? I bet not. I had exprience. Yup, that's right. I asked for the Harry Potter poster from MJ, they just scoffed me off as if I was retarded.
So, I have also checked some of our movie websites (Cathay and Golden Village) they have this particular movie in the 'Coming Soon' section!!! I seriously went ballistic. My sister was frightened. I can't wait for this movie to come out!!!! I am literally going to die once it comes out. Though I will be working on that day with Robinson. That's right, people, I got the job. But I don't know if I want to accept it...I am still waiting for Kinokuniya to accept me. I rather work for them. Seriously. Imagine me around all those BOOKS and their collection of Harry Potter and Twilight. I would be sooooooo happy. I really wish they call me soon. I only have until wednesday. At Ten. In the morning. Please let me have that job. The interview was fine. I don't know if she photocopied any of my certificate or not cause I was busy trying not to shake so much when she (The INTERVIEWEE) had me on a gift wrapped test. And she was so close. I was under so much pressure. But, all that considered, I did well wrapping the books. Well, at least it did not fall off or rip open.
Gosh! If I accept the job from this Robinson, I know I will be tired like hell. Work 6 days a week and only have 1 day rest. It's not even a weekend. And it only start on the 18th of dec! The premiere of Twilight. So I have to keep the current job I have now. A receptionist and Admin Asst that is not really needed. I hate my co-worker. Seriously. A complete whiner. Keeps on bitching about the boss. But I really can't blame her, the boss is not nice either. But I rather the boss than my co-worker. She thinks she's all great and exprienced. Ha! That sounds wrong but what the heck, who cares?
I have been doing a newsletter for this company and as much as I disagreed with Christine yesterday complaining about my current job being lame and boring and, surprisingly (because I sit all day), tiring, I enjoyed making the newsletter and am proud with the result. It looked nice....and it's all my HARDWORK for 2 hours. Not bad for a first-timer. Plus this would look good on my resume to NUS(Journalism), now I have a small taste of what it feels like to do an article. Absolutely amazing!
So....I end here. I am so glad that I saw this poster!!! TWILIGHT is really showing in Singapore! I can't wait. I promise myself that I will never buy the pirated disc that I know I will be tempted to buy once I know it is available.
Another downside though, I checked the gold class tickets...Damn. They raised it. After 9 years. Why couldn't it just be 10 years, where Twilight would already be a DVD? Whatever. I am still watching it there....just for the comfort and sastifaction of waiting and not being able to go on it's ACTUAL premier release which is on the 21st of November...which is 7 days away! All you who will get this luxury, just so you know, I HATE YOU.
So enjoy the poster and call me if you want to catch it with me....and you can't make it on the relase date in Singapore. I think I am going to watch it about 3,000,000 times. No excuses.
Email me if you want to have a TWILIGHT outing. I still haven't got any replies from any youtubber in Singapore. Damn.
This is the mail if you wanna go catch with me and have a TWILIGHT outing:
I know. Don't ask. I am obsessed. With Edward Cullen. And Robert Pattinson. I can't make up my mind. At least with Harry Potter, I know who I like and it's definitely Harry Potter and NOT Daniel Radcliffe. But with TWILIGHT....Robert is too damn fine to be ignore.
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