Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I finally have my sanity in place.

Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!! So I bought the Twilight The complete Illustrated movie Companion. I feel like my anxiousness have calm down a little bit but not so much- I get so hyped up when someone tell me something about Twilight. Even if it's someone over the phone who, by chance, just wanted to know if there is stock of Twilight book in the store. I get so excited just answering it. Today, there was 3 people who asked me about Twilight over the phone. I was overly answering them. Seriously, I was. Here's a few examples.

#Example UNO

Me: Kinokuniya. Good Morning. Shilla Speaking. Can I help you?
Customer: Hi. I want to ask you if you have stock on the Twilight series.
Me: Yes, Mam! We do. We have it in hard covers and it comes with a package
that'sthe series in one box. It's quite value for money and I think if you want to buy
Twilight, you should buy the whole series because it's really a good story.
Customer: Er....yeah. Thanks. Bye. (hung up)

#Example DOS

Me: Kinokuniya. Good Afternoon. Shilla speaking. Can I help you?
Customer: Yes. I was wondering if you have Twilight?
Me: Yes. (My manager said not to answer too much. But I so badly want to.)
Customer: How much is it?
Me: Well, Mam, for the Twilight series there are two versions. The original cover cost
about $17.07 and the movie version cover is cheaper-it's only 13.95. The movie
covers comes in 2 sizes and 2 version.
Customer: Hmm. That's interesting. Which would you buy.

At this point of time my heart was accelerating!!! Finally, a customer who wanted to know what I, Roshilla Cullen, thought!!!! So I kinda told her that I would buy both because I am the Twilight fan. She laughed and asked me if the book is good. I told her ( I think I screamed) that it was! After I did (explain to her how good the books were), she told me she would buy the whole set and said I was convincing!!! I was so happy that I told everyone! I made BUSINESS for them!

So all in all. I am happy today. Mostly because of the book that is posted here. And, of course, the amazing customers who asked me about Twilight. It made my day!

Hearts 4Ever,

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