This is another poster of Twilight that I found in Dobhy Gaut (is that the way you spell it?), I was so happy because it was so huge and it was on ALL the four pillars....I was about to go crazy! People seriously thought I was going insane. I was standing in front of the four pillars for at least 10 mins each. I'm CRAZY.
So that really made my day.
Extremely. Totally bliss out.
Anyway, another thing, I got the job from KINOKUNIYA. Yes, I am selected and I hope I will be happy working there. I know I will be dead beat but with all the books that surrounds me, I think that would somehow balance it out. At least I will be close to all the TWILIGHT books....love love that idea! Especially...very near Robert Pattinson aka Edward Cullen photo.
So I will start tomorrow and I hope I do the job well. Not willing to screw up...so my future of cash flows....is secure. And I WILL BE ABLE TO WATCH TWILIGHT IN GOLD CLASS AND BE CONTENT WITH IT. Haiz, it is suppose to be just a few days later...and Twilight would be release in the States and Philippines. Thank god I am working. I will avoid all the mayhem in YouTube and ignore it all. So I would not be jealous.
Got a message from Ms. Queck...Told me about a Lit lecture tomorrow. People who are not working should go. I wish I could.
Anyway, Got to go. I will try to get more posters that are up and running and post it up and see my excitement grow!
God Bless,
BTW...I have not heard from ANYONE WHO IS GOING TO WATCH THE MOVIE WITH ME!!!! Hello? Anyone coming?
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