Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Thursday night With Twilight

As you can see from the title, it's inspired by the book "Tuesday Afternoon with Morrie." I saw the book and I heard it changed people's perception on life and the so often it's-a-very-good-book-you-should-read-once-in-your-life saying. So this is also the reason why it has inspired me to write the title above. Twilight changed my life and it's a very good book that if you have not read it, you must be insane or just plain stubborn.

So talking about twilight bring us to the Twilight HATERS. They, apparently, exist everytime there's something good in this world. God created them so all of us would be sane. But, nevertheless, they still bug me and make me go insane like nobody's business.
So here's the deal, one day or afternoon on my lunch break, I was sitting there feeling so shitty as it is because Stupid Bitch(SB) already gave me a morning lecture on how OUR wrapping is below the standards and she kept looking at me as if it was my fault when all the while I have been inside the office doing the receptionist shit. Then as if that is not enough, I went to the counter to do wrapping and a really old lady who reminded me of my grandmother came up to me to ask for a book and since she was alone, I said I would help her find it and take her to the information counter. I couldn't just point and direct her using my hands with this lady because I have a weakness for old people who look like they're lost and need my help. So I was being courteous. I told one of my Co-worker that I will be gone for awhile. So I did that and when I came back, SB was there waiting for me to come back and DEMANDED where I was. I told her everything and do you know what she said after I explained? She said that I SHOULD NOT HAVE DONE THAT AND I SHOULD HAVE JUST DIRECTED HER WITH MY HANDS. WOW!!! Now I know the reason why Singaporean are NEITHER gracious NOR courteous because instead of being rewarded, WE GET A FREAKING LECTURE FOR IT. Fuck SB. Then when I was about to go lunch, I headed to the locker and fucking SB was already inside the locker room to pounce again. This time she repeated the scene at the counter and she asked me if I THREW THE BUBBLE WRAPPING IN THE DUSTBIN.
So this is how the stupid conversation goes.
SB: Shilla I heard you threw the bubble wrap in the dustbin.
ME: Uh no. It was there when I reached the counter.
SB: Because I receive feedback that it was in the dustbin.
ME: Yeah. I know. But I was not the one who threw it.
SB: So why didn't you ask anyone why was the bubble wrap in the dustbin.
Me: Well, I thought it was used.
SB: Next tine you should ask who threw it.
Me: But I don't know if it's trash or not. I didn't know that we cannot throw bubble wrap.
SB: It's bubble wrap leh.
ME: Yeah. Well, no management told me anything about BUBBBLE WRAPS.
SB looks at me as if I was stupid and I feel like punching her face because I was already so angry.
SB: Ok lor(sarcastically) Next time Please(another sarcastic tone used here) ask.
ME: Ask why there's trash in the trash bin? (I am acting dumb just to piss her off. Here, I am already using my 'american accent' just to piss her off more...it worked because she glared at me and I wanted to joy out of it.)
SB: No. Why the bubble wrap is in the trash.
Me: Fine.
I walked out. This was before lunch. My appetite and my hunger vanished and I gave my food away.
So that happened before lunch, so I was sitting there feeling all sad and angry then this one girl came and sat down with her friend and started to diss Twilight and those girls who SQUEL AND GIGGLE for twilight. She insulted them and she's been spreading stuff to customers saying that twilight is shit. Well...fuck her! Seriously. Fuck her to death. Stupid girl. What is wrong with people who cannot stand happiness. Ok, so maybe those girls who squel and giggle can be irritating and annoying but at least they're not squeling and giggling over porn or stupid shit in the world. And it's so stupid to tell about something you don't know. I asked her if she read the book and that stupid girl said NO! WHAT THE BLOODY FUCK? You don't know the story and you go about dissing it? Haven't you heard the saying don't judge a book by it's cover, it does imply literally, asshole. So, that was a bad day and it was really ruined that I really felt like running home and cry. I didn't know who to talk to and I didn't know who would understand. So when I reached home, I cried by myself and it's silly because I am crying for Twilight. And a bad day.
Anyways, I have more. So today was my last few days as a gift wrapper because I would be inside doing more recep stuff. Today was the best day of my life because the people I worked with outside were cool people that everytime a customer came with any twilight merchadise, they gave it to me because they knew how much I love it and I wrap it very neatly and well. I was really happy today, smiling most of the time. Then I went for dinner, had KFC, then came back to the wrapping counter. While I was wrapping one of the stuff from a customer, my head was dizzy and I felt like I was spinning. I, suddenly, wanted to puke and I couldn't feel my head. One of my co worker, her name is Ci Jie, asked me to run for the washroom but everyime I wanted to, the feeling of puking vanish and I was fine. I felt real bad until THIS AMAZING CUSTOMER CAME AND TALK TO ME ABOUT TWILIGHT. It was so much fun! She said she was still reading Twilight and asked me if she could skip the books. At first I told it was fine because Bella (She's a character from Twilight; the main character to be exact.) always explain stuff that would make your furrowed brows become smooth. Then she asked me which one is the best to me. I told her in this order;
Numero Uno:
Numero dos:
Numero tress:
So we just kept on talking about twilight and it really made my day or night. I was so glad I met her and it was nice chatting with her. It was really great. She was in doubt on whether she should buy all the books at one go and I told her she should because there was a promotion for customers and she will crave for more after she read finish one of the series. And to even brighten up my day.....she bought everything. She told me I could be a good promoter for twilight. I told her if that ever happened I would be honored and be really happy even with shitty people like SB.
Another thing that I remembered today was this Filipino dude. Once again this goes out to Christine....why are all you filipinoes....so good lookin'?
He bought a Twilight collector book as a present ( Hint to friends for christmas present) and I was so intrigued by his face that I thought to myself that I have to talk to him. So I attempted at flirting. I know...ugh. But I don't know why, I just had to. But instead of it sounding flirty...it just sounded.....customer service-ly. Pathetic. Nevertheless, he replied and we talk a very little then I ran out of things to say so I kept my mouth shut. But then....he tried to keep talking. I swear he was flirting but I was toooooo scared that I could be wrong so I replied back in a customer service-ly manner. Pathetic and sad. Just sad. Pathetic. I can repeat this a thousand million time but I don't want to be down tonight.
So that was all. And now...I have updated on my life...I expect all my friends who have blogs (CHRISTINE) to update their blog no matter how busy they are.
I just had to say this...so people won't do it again. IN an ESSAY.

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