Monday, December 26, 2011
Not for you.
But for me.
I realize when I pen ( or Type) my thoughts down for the day and when I read it in the future...I can see how much I change. So when people tell me I am so different from when I was then, I would believe them.
I just want to pen a thought that I love to waste my time on love. Really. It's so pointless but apparently my heart have no way to see it.
Am I getting too emotional? Shall I explain the situation first? Alright, I will.
Guy: Prof. X
The first time I saw Prof. X, I was attracted already. It suck cause I brand myself as someone who doesn't fall for just looks... but, apparently, this time I did. Firstly he looks like this guy.

Of course.... Not as handsome, but somehow he have something similar. So with me and my big mouth...I went to tell him.
"Hey, I just have to let you know that you look like one of the KPOP star I know."
The moment I said this. I cringe at my stupidity. Seriously, I think desperation is making me stupid...knocking off my IQ to a single digit.
Prof X looked at me and laughed.
"Ya, I know! Because of my small eyes, right? Thanks lah."
Now, he's funny too... I liked him even more...I am so... easy.
So, now I like him alot and the more I know about him the more.. I just...fall. He's funny, adorable and just... a nice guy (Although, his fashion may need some help... he wore shorts... with slippers...)But of course, how can life be fair, huh? It never was for me...
Instead of the guy just not being interested in me... life decided to make me fall for someone who would not even give me the time of the day but make me like a guy who is so obviously chasing another girl.
Who, apparently, have a boyfriend.
So it's like playing catching, although none of them know we are actually just running in circles.
Me chasing after him. Him chasing after her. and she... just not realizing this and just be a friend to him.
I just wish he turn back somehow...and this false hope that I never fail to have...it's killing me.
I can just not chase Prof. X, right? I totally can and I should. I mean, where the hell have I place my pride and dignity. I should just stop and I tried.
I swear I tried... but yesterday, the me with the no brain, went out to buy things to do my nails and all the while when I was doing my nails.... I was thinking, would Prof. X think it's nice when I show him later at work...
Why am I like this? Fall so many times. Got rejected so many times. Got hurt so many times. But I am still the same.
Great, huh?
Sunday, December 25, 2011
wow! Best Fanfic ever
U Kiss Scenario : Celebrating Christmas Together. [3]
You : Yeoboseyo?
You picked up your phone, the other end remained quiet.
You : Yeoboseyo?
You asked again. Hoon started to cough into the receiver, clearing his throat.
You : Hoon?
Hoon started singing a Christmas love song. You smiled and listened to him finish the song.
Hoon : Look out of your window.
You got up from your bed and draw back the curtains, looking down. Hoon drew a huge heart in the snow and stood in the middle of it. You smiled and jumped off your bed, grabbing your coat and ran downstairs.
Hoon : Merry Christmas!
He smiled, opening his arms wide as you crashed into him. You looked at him and kissed him.
You : I thought you said you’ll be in Japan.
Hoon smiled mischievously. You smiled and hugged him tight.
Hoon : Hey.
He squeezed your waist a little and you looked up at him. Hoon pulled out a bracelet which has both your names engraved on a small metal plate.
Hoon : Like it?
He looked at you as you took the bracelet from him, touching the names.
You : I love it.
You smiled and kissed him on the lips. Hoon smiled and held you close to him.
Hoon : I love you.
Do you think so?
Made my day.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Thanks for Letting me smile (Let go)
Long ago when I looked at you
I remember that time when
I knew you, you knew me
I wanted to be like you
hang out with you
I think about those desperate times
But it's merely a memory
that has passed by
And can you smile? smile...
you want this
you hope for this
I can't seem to have you with only my heart
And can you smile? smile...
I said to leave
I said I'm okay
It seems like I can give you nothing
but this to you in the end
I remember long ago
when i received your heart
you were overflowing me
and i'm thankful
i think of those time
we love each other
we were at our happiest
then came across farwell
you were overflowing me
I'm sorry
I can't hold you back
And can you smile? smile...
you want this
you hope for this
I can't seem to have you with only my heart
And can you smile? smile...
I said to leave
I said I'm okay
It seems like I can give you nothing
but this to you in the end
And still, still in the end, still I..
but probably in the end, I still..
And still, still in the end, still I..
but probably in the end, I still..
But I was suffocating from
those frequent words of yours
You say that my way of talking and
actions make you lose your words
make your anger rise
on this violent night
the stars light up the sky,
the moon shines
you go steadily on your path of stars
the night is coming
it is covered only by other stars
but the moon always stays there
I will always be here for you, want you
And can you smile? smile...
I want you but..
I'll hold you but..
your smile is fading beside me
And can you smile? smile...
I said to leave
I said I'm okay
You might even be happier
if you leave my side
Saturday, September 03, 2011
Be Mine (Story)
Friday, August 12, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Post KMW part 2
2NE1! OMG! 2NE1 was coming on stage and I remember that our camera was flat.. well the good one at least. I told this to Christine and was about to cry because, I can't take my Idol, CL.. and I needed more than just a memory to remember her and like a good friend, she offered her phone and so, I had her phone in hand and started to record!!!!!!!
The first performance was Fire! and... I remember just screming my head out to the song! It totally hyped me up and there she was! CL! in her yellow holed transparent plastic jacket! Omg, you couldn't believe how many times I screamed her name and sang with the song! I saw a YT vid when this was perform, omg! When the sang "eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh 2NE1" everybody was trying to do the hands up dance move!!! That was just so damn fantastic!
When They sang " I am the best" I started to jump up and down because for the first time, I truly know the fan chant for this one and the performance was wicked! It was bloody brilliant and I sang every word of it. I could see from 2NE1 that they were kinda surprised that we know their song and were really amazed. CL kept saying thank you and said "Thank you for being so awesome. This is our first performance and you guys are so amazing!" After she said this, the next performance was "I don't care" and she said "I want you guys to sing and dance with us!" Of course this spark a fire in me, I would do ANYTHING for CL! When the song started playing, Christine, Shirin, Della and I started dancing to it. AND GUESS WHAT? the camera just went to our part. It wasn't on record on put on live but we dance our heart out and it was somewhat captured... I hope there is a DVD for this so CL can see me!!!!!!
OH! I totally forgot.. 2NE1 sang LONELY too and this was a slow song, I thought absolutely that this was the time to take the opportunity to scream and waved for CL.. But alas, I can't get all my wish come true now... She did eye contact but she didn't wave back so I am not sure if she saw me or was just staring into space. I would like if she saw me... CL I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN!
The whole 2NE1 performance was dope and just fucking brilliant. It was seriously the highlight of my life.
In CL words, "You guys know who is coming up next, right?"
When the MC came out... well, they don't really have to say much. This is BIGBANG we are talking about... it seem like the whole stadium was on earthquake with screams mixture of both boys and girls! Its crazy because this was the band THAT EVERYONE WAS WAITING FOR so it can't get any more exciting!
But when BIGBANG came out and perform, it got even more exciting! I remember singing to it, jumping to it... calling TaeYang's name as if my life depended on it. But that boy did not wave back! It was so hard to get his attention, really.
So right before the MC came out, TaeYang was "say yeah!" "Yeah!" "Say yeah!" "Yeah!" "Say yeah! yeah!" "Yeah! yeah!" when the MC came out to have a little conversation with them and said "How is it to perform her for the first time?" Taeyang immediately said "It's the second time. Second time." Seriously, Taeyang was high and so cheeky! Once the Mc asked him what is his favourite Singaporean dish, he said that he hasn't eaten any singaporean dish and maybe the MC would like to introduce to him one of the SG dish, at this point Shirin was pointing to herself and said she was taeyang favourite dish but he didn't see this... BUT GD DID AND HE LAUGHED AND SHOOKED HIS HEAD! GD spoke in Korean and because there was not subtitle... I REALLY COULDN'T UNDERSTAND.
Oh well, I have to say that this year performance, GD was much more hyper and he smiled alot and it was a different performance he performed last year... I bet he had a good night sleep before as I think he's not working on any album anymore.. SEE WHAT A GOOD NIGHT SLEEP CAN DO to one?
Big bang ended the concert and it's amazing because there was a shouting of "Encore" and "BIGBANG" when they supposedly ended..I was so tired and the MCs wasn't helping.. But they did perform the absolute last song and... that was the end..
I remember TaeYang saying "I love you, I love you so much!" Well, TaeYang, we love you too, honey.
So now let's talk about the one person that I have been dying to talk about. Hoon from Ukiss... That guy... well, his voice is just pure pure pure gold. I kept screaming his name and I think he noticed me.. All the during Ukiss performance, I just kept looking at Hoon when he came near my place..
Hoon, have found a way to my heart and ... I think I fell in love. So, Onew has a new competition and Its crazy... I love them both. I am trying to find more about Hoon and realize that he is just as clumsy! But there is seriously not much about Hoon... why~~~!!!! Anyways, Hoon stole my heart and I will be rooting for him forever.
I made a poem for him.
The stage light came up
I have never seen you before
In the darkness, I see the outline of you shadow
The next moment, you gave me a show
I forgot how beautiful your voice is
I forgot how beautiful you were
But, babe, now that I reminded
You're the only one that matters here.
There were times when you look at me
The moment is unforgettable
and maybe its just me being delusional
But in this time, you're the only one that matter
The moment it ended, the world stopped.
I took my moment to look at you.
You're still so beautiful
And I am in love with you, Hoon.
I wish he reads this... and not see how stalkerish this is...I love you, Hoon. You're the best!
Saturday, July 16, 2011
Post KMW Part One...

Taemin looked older, right? I am just making a point... I should go back to my concert story.
The next performance was TEEN TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG TEEN TOP! TEEN TO THE EFFING TOP!
I WAS anticipating for this performance because I have blog about these awesomely talented boys before and it was exciting to see Changjo and Niel for the first time. I also felt my motherly instinct kicking in because I wanted them to know that they have fans here and we love them all! So I started screaming and singing along to their song and even mimick the Clap hand movement, the superman move for supa luv which I saw CAP laughing when we did that move. We must have looked silly... heh!
When the MC had the mini conversation with TEENTOP, at first, L.Joe was speaking in english and I really was not listening...because I kept screaming for Niel, Ricky and Changjo. But what did get my attention was when L.Joe said, "I'm sorry, I don't quite understand." Then Keving translated for him. What I like about this was the fact that L.Joe was not ashamed to ask again because he knew he tried to speak in english. And that's all that matter!
They sang all their single; clap, angel and supa luv, I remember having a few eye contacts with Changjo... It was crazy because I forgot that he probably can be my kid brother. Nevertheless, there was one time that he pointed and waved at me and I seriously went nuts by screaming at the top of my lungs!
All in all, Teen top excited me and their performance was fabulous and it was great to see that many people around me supported them because they do deserve all the love! TEENTOP rocks my socks!!!
I will just have to stop here for now... Tell me what you think, ok?!!!!