Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Just got to brag.

The man! This man! This boy! This guy! This male! The specific species...... I love him. He's the only one in my badge collection that have 2 badges. I can't help it. Every time I go to the store to buy all this SHINee stuff, I would buy something Onew related. And I would make sure that I have more Onew stuff... I retarded.

Hai....So nice. Being in a band... These boys are driving me crazy!! How can 5 beautiful and talented people come together? ...... You boys are the reason music is alive for me.

Look at that!!!!!!! I bought that from Comic Connection. Ok...where else? All my five boys are there. Its so nice to start collecting all this.

But It's getting in tooo deep my pocket.

But I can't help it. I just pick and pick and pick until I feel like I can't breathe anymore. Then I go to the counter.

And the man....he's knows I ate the bait! He knows toooooooo well. He will take something that is not on the shelf yet and would show me...

And I would be like..

"Yes. this one. and this one. OOOOOHhhhh...this one. Definitely."

Why am I like this? I have tooo many stuff already. I wonder if one day I can still sell this on Ebay,... When I am over them.

Or when they finally become my friends...

I wish I was normal person who goes "there goes that crazy girl who think she's supporting them by buying all these.....junk."

Ok.. No. I don't want to be that person.

I rather be crazy. But, seriously, I need to get a life...get myself out there. Maybe not now..........

Enjoy the pictures....

Lots of love,

Roshilla Lee

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