Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The thing I hate....

You know when you're close to someone, you just want to hurt them less? This is because you don't want to be the one who feels as if the world is crashing down; you know that is how you feel after that one argument you had with that special someone.

The thing is you plan everything with this someone and you share joy and pain together. You're happy for as long as the planning stays in place and life is good. Then, one day, this person wants to change the plan or exterminate the plan altogether. She is saying the words but all you can hear is the tearing of your heart. She beg for your understanding and because you don't want to hurt her, I mean let's face it you know deep down the plan is not going to work, you just nod your head. Sure. But, you know that it's not sincere. Even she could tell it.

Then your world spiral to a crash.

This is the thing I hate.

Monday, November 09, 2009

The NEW MOON poster is up!

OK!!! The new moon posters are up in the DHOBY GHAUT transition pillars!!! I went crazy taking picture and ended up arriving late to work...

But, it was sooo worth it!!!

Check out the photos!

Haha.... was being a bit cheeky....Just wanted to be with Edward ALONE. Sorry, Bella.

Shirin is part of the WOLF PACK! Don't piss her off now, Shilla.

Not a big JACOB fan....didn't need to be so pretty.

Love this poster the MOST! Just take a look at EDWARD'S hand on BELLA'S back! INTENSE!

There you go...NOW DROOL!

For the record....I was not the one who spotted it....Shirin was. God, felt so guilty and useless when I realise this. But anyway, taking the photos were alot of fun! People were laughing at me but I really couldn't careless. I mean it's NEW MOON!!!

And I hope eclipse get out soon!!! I am going crazy...
Not that I wasn't already before!