So today....
Today is the day that I will move out from this house.
Yes, after five years here...we're moving.
Not that it's sad or anything, it's just....very very tiring.
wait, make that it's very EXHAUSTING.
I really hated today......just the packing up part. Really, hate it.
I am a very very lazy person and cleaning up the house.....I hate it.
But I did pack matter how grudgingly or whiny I was....I still packed.
Not that spoilt I guess....but a brat? Yeas. Most definitely still that. A REAL BRAT.
I am really not proud of that...but it's like a habit.
really really really hard to break.
Right now, I am not feeling anything. I am not happy (yes. Very tired and sleepy) and I am defintely not sad (I'm just not).
Watching my sister dance, I really think she is a GREAT dancer...more of freestyle but she can pick up dance from YOUTUBE. I can never do that...i just pick up well when someone teach envious!
Anyway, I practice singing Please don't go by SHINee and I tried to tune myself...Christine, I hit the note right more this time! Woohoo!
She even told me that I hit the ONEW'S NOTE RIGHT!
Do you know how that made my day?
It made my day into one freaking fairytale! Gosh, just imagine, Onew asked me to sing with him!!! Wah! I think I would fly over the moon!
Not literally, of course.
I am trying to write more songs and stealing people's melody....
Any Ideas on who I should steal a melody from?
I am trying to write song for Onew...a romantic one. But, I can't find any nice sound I can steal from.....
Colbie Callait always sound pretty nice....should I?
Fallin' for you is nice...right? and I am not bragging, but I think I can sing her song.....
I don't know....
Oh well, I know when I know I guess!
Ok....good night now ppl! Sleep tight! close your eyes.....